Ko Yamada, born and raised in Japan, is a photography / media project artist (BFA, MFA
photography / Ohio University),Representative of PAC (Photography Art Caravan) . He was
recognized at the FotoFest 1994 in Houston, Texas and at the 2nd International Photo Meeting in
Sao Paulo 1995, Brazil, before he had shows at Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in
1997. After he worked for International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA) 2002 Nagoya as the
vise secretary general, he expanded his field as media oriented expressions. His first newspaper
project was awarded Prize of Chairman of the Jury of GOOD DESIGN PRIZE 2003 as a part of the
Rodchenko Room Project. He combined photography with sound installations, book projects,
newspaper projects, and sound installations / performances. His art works and projects are widely
exhibited in Japan, Brazil, the U.S.A., Germany, France, Thailand, Malaysia. He designed and
founded a minimal sized art center and school called [Yojo-Han] Art Center and works as a
director. He also teaches media literacy and design or fine art photography at Nagoya University of
Arts, Nagoya Zokei University and Nagoya University of Arts and Science.