5th May Thursday
11:00 Lectures Predrag Mihajlovic Cile – History of photography and its origins in the Serb, Mechanical Engineering
15:00 Opening of the exhibition “Old Foundry” area in front of the City Hall, Freedom Square 3
17:00 Lecture Tomislav Peternek – Newspaper photographs, Knjazevsko-Serbian theater
19:00 Workshop “Old Photos technique”, Knjazevsko-Serbian theater
6th May, Friday
15:00 Workshop Giorgia Gruizze – AKT, National Library “Vuk Karadzic”
19:00 Opening of the Second Annual Exhibition Photo Club Apollo “Portrait” Public Library “Vuk Karadzic”
7th May, Saturday
12:00 Lecture Zoran Milutinovic – Infra red photos, Public Library “Vuk Karadzic”
16:00 Lecture Imre Szabo – reportage photography, Public Library “Vuk Karadzic”
19:00 Opening Ceremony solo exhibitions Brand Stamatovic “Do you understand me,” Youth Center
8th May, Sunday
12:00 Lecture Nebojsa Babic – fashion and advertising photography, Public Library “Vuk Karadzic”
15:00 Workshop Nebojsa Babic – fashion and advertising photography, Public Library “Vuk Karadzic”
19:00 Opening of the exhibition Serbian photographers’ beauty of Serbia “and award the first prize festivals, First Kragujevac Gymnasium
21:00 Closing ceremony, the young concert bands Kragujevac