Двочасовни вебинар ће обухватити следеће:
Tokom pandemije koronavirusa i zbog zastoja sa kojim se suočavaju mnoge zemlje, Fotografi širom sveta se suočavaju sa užasnim izazovom. Poslovi se otkazuju ili odgađaju na neodređeno i još uvek treba platiti račune i staviti hranu na sto. Da bismo preživeli, moramo biti kreativni da održimo svoj život. Ili čekamo to i nadamo se najboljem, ili radimo nešto drugo čineći prelazak u karijeri. Neki od nas mogu čak i da razmisle o rasprodaji naše opreme i odustajanju. Ali šta ako imamo postojeću upotrebu naše postojeće opreme i postoji način da se zarađuje za život?
The 2 hour webinar will cover the following :
During the coronavirus pandemic and due to the lockdowns faced by many countries, Photographers all over the world face a terrible challenge. Jobs are cancelled or postponed indefinitely and there is still a need to pay the bills and put food on the table. In order to survive, we have to be creative to sustain our lives. It is either we wait it out and hope for the best, or do something else by making a switch in our career. Some of us may even consider selling off our equipment and quitting altogether. But what if we have other uses for our existing equipment, and there is a way to make a living?
Introduction to The Art of Mezame
Due to the pandemic, what can photographers do?
What is your vision?
Possibilities: Online webinars, workshops, tutorials
The A-MEZ-ING Live Show
Where to Livestream
Twitch (personal preference)
Why Twitch?
How to Livestream
Budget? Or do you use what you already have?
StreamLabs OBS
Simple setup
Mirrorless + Lighting + Elgato Gaming Camlink 4K
Content is King!
What about royalty-free music?
How to monetize your livestream
Setting up social media to help growth of followers
Getting sponsorships/affiliate programs
Using Razer TipStream
Other Business ideas?
Other suggestions
Community building
Do’s and Don’ts
Četvrtak 6. Avgust
Prijave na fotoramafest@gmail.com