_N8A8514 crop 1080For the third time in a row, Dennis Dunbar brings his vast knowledge to Fotorama Fest!!! This time with his new workshop „Secret of the Pros : All about Color“ Dennis is a Hollywood A production digital artist who has worked on some of the biggest blockbuster franchises such as Harry Potter, X-Men, Iron Men, Transformers, I am Legend , Avatar -The last airbender, Spiderwick Chrocless, Shrek, Star Trek and many others and as well as with many famous photographers and personalities such as this year’s Oscar winner, Emma Stone, Angelina Jolie, Billy Zane, Garry Oldman….
filmovi poynate face 2Denis is a digital artist with extensive experience in digital arts. He began his journey by creating his first composite works in the darkroom under the patronage of William Warren, the famous Stock Shooter. After seeing the advantages of working in a digital environment, Denis decided to dedicate himself to it as much as possible and founded his own studio in 1991, and soon began intensively creating finished author’s works for movie posters, as well as commercial advertisements.
YJS2_Vertical_KA_MASTER BUILD_FIN17 Crop Web UTBOH_WINDOW_TransitShelter_layout PRESS_EXPRESS_Vertical_State_RGB_SAM_Small_1F1 Web2 PRESS_EXPRESS_Vertical_State_RGB_READY_1F_Web PLLOS_KeyArt_RGB-WIP10-4x5 MBS_1Sht_TS063 W11 web ANIMAL_CONTROL_S1_VERT_P2_01_W4 WebCrop 072_MRSM_S4_FYC_23x25-EnsembleLR-wip05 1800 Denisovo zalaganje da ostane na vrhu za razne oblasti koje se tiču digitalnih umetnosti ga je navelo da se fokusira na Collor Menagment i da ponudi konsultantske usluge svojim klijentima u ovoj oblasti. U leto 2002. Denis je imenovan za članana Upravnog odbora APA udruženja za Los Angeles ( Advertising Photographers of America ) gde je obavljao svoj posao kao šef Digital odbora. Njegov rad sa APA ga je naveo da se koncentriše na rad sa grupama koje su usmerene na oblasti kreiranja standarda za Digital Imaging. On je jedan od osnivača UPDIG-a ((Universal Photographic Digital Imaging Guidelines)) kao i član DISC odbora . Više informacija o ovim grupama su dostupne na: www.updig.org i www.disc-info.org. Drugi o Denisu Microsoft Word - DDunbar Resume 2008.doc Microsoft Word - DDunbar Resume 2008.doc WEB : http://dunbardigital.com
