Višnja Šešum je profesionalni fotograf iz Novog Sada. Fotografijom se bavi od 2016. godine, a usko se specijalizovala za fotografisanje hrane. Iako po struci inženjer zaštite životne sredine, ljubav ka umetnosti vodila je ka tome da karijeru ipak nastavi u potpuno drugom pravcu, kao fotograf(kinja). Trenutno je stalni fotograf kompanije Wolt, kontributor OFFSET by Shutterstock premium stock mreže, osnivač brenda “Moja knjiga recepata” i od nedavno online shop-a “Backdrop shop by Višnja Šešum”. Njena fotografija je svrstana u top 500 fotografija 2019. godine od strane Shutterstock kompanije, a njeni radovi našli su se i u New York Times-u.
Višnja Šešum is a professional photographer from Novi Sad. She has been involved in photography since 2016, and specializes in food photography. Although an environmental engineer by profession, hers love for art led her to continue a career in a completely different direction, as a photographer. She is currently a regular photographer at Wolt, a contributor to the OFFSET by Shutterstock premium stock network, the founder of the “My Recipe Book” brand and, more recently, the “Backdrop shop by Višnja Šešum” online store. Her photo was ranked in the top 500 photos in 2019 by Shutterstock, and her work was also featured in the New York Times.