Ja sam komercijalni retušer, pisac i nastavnik. Radio sam sa mnogim sportskim, tehnološkim, maloprodajnim i automobilskim brendovima. Jedna od mojih životnih misija je da pružim bolji pristup vrhunskim retuširanim radnim tokovima ljudima koji tradicionalno nisu uključeni u industriju.
Komercijalne tehnike retuširanja pažljivo su čuvane od strane nekolicine, a pošto sam imao privilegiju da budem dobrodošao u tim prostorima, osjećam se obaveznim dijeliti alate i metode sa drugima. U nadi da će umetnost postati bolja. – Sef McCullough
I’m a Commercial Retoucher, Writer, and Educator. I’ve worked with a lot of sports, tech, retail, and automotive brands. One of my life missions is to give better access to high-end retouching workflows to people who have traditionally not been included in the industry.
Commercial retouching techniques have been closely guarded by a select few, and since I’ve had the privilege to be welcomed in those spaces, I feel obligated to share the tools and methods with others. In the hopes that when we all get better, art gets better. – Sef McCullough