Po treći put na Fotorama festivalu, fantastični Dennis Dunbar drži svoj Masterclass.
Ovogodišnje teme su :
Part 1: Retouch Like a Pro: Workflow Principles for Retouchers
Layer Structure
Working Non Destructively
Leveraging Masks – Clipping Layers & Layer Groups
Retouching with the end in mind
Retouching as part of a team
Part 2: Color Grading/Color Correction
1) Making use of the Color Themes Extension to analyze the colors present in the image.
2) Color grading tools:
a) Curves
b) Selective Color
c) Gradient Map
d) Using Adobe Camera Raw in Color Grading
3) Adding Textures
4) Divide & Conquer
5) ACR as a Color Correction tool
Tajne retuš profesionalaca: Načela workfow-a i kolor grejdinga / Korekcija boje
Dobro izgrađeni Photoshop fajlovi su ključni za obavljanje retuširanja i kompozicije na profesionalnom nivou. A korišćenje snage boje može transformisati vaše slike, pomažući im da ispričaju ubedljivije priče.
Na ovoj dvodelnoj radionici Dennis će prvo pokriti principe procesa rada koji profesionalni retoucheri koriste u izgradnji datoteka koje im omogućavaju da rade brzo i efikasno, a istovremeno olakšavaju reviziju i usavršavanje slike kako biste mogli da udovoljite svom klijentu dok isporučuje datoteku koja će ustati na preispitivanju.
U ovom odeljku radionice Dennis će govoriti o strukturi sloja, ispravnosti, nerazornom radu, korišćenju maski slojeva, početak rada sa idejom o kraju i retuširanju kao delu tima.
Drugi deo ove radionice fokusiraće se na korekcije boje i kolor grejdingu. Dennis će započeti razgovorom o svojoj omiljenoj tehnici korekcije boja „Divide & Conkuer“, a zatim će vam pokazati kako Adobe-ov Camera Raw filter donosi veliku snagu u korekciji boja. Zatim će ući u ocenu boja, demonstrirajući ne samo kako dodati karakterističan izgled vašim slikama, već i kako donositi pametne odluke u boji koristeći alate ugrađene u Photoshop.
Retouching Secrets of the Pros: Workflow Principles and Color Grading/Color Correction
Well built Photoshop files are critical to doing professional level retouching and compositing. And harnessing the power of color can transform your images, helping them to tell more compelling stories.
In this 2 part workshop Dennis will first cover the workflow principles professional retouchers use in building their files that allow them to work quickly and efficiently while also making it easier to revise and perfect the image so you can please your client while delivering a file that will stand up to scrutiny.
In this section of the workshop Dennis will discuss: Layer Structure, Editability, Working Non-Destructively, Leveraging Layer Masks, Beginning with the End in Mind, and Retouching as part of a team.
The second part of this workshop will focus on Color Correction and Color Grading techniques. Dennis will start by discussing his favorite “Divide & Conquer” color correction technique then he’ll show you how Adobe’s Camera Raw filter brings some great power to color correction. Then he’ll get into Color Grading, demonstrating not only how to add a distinctive look to your images but how to make smart color decisions using the tools built into Photoshop.
Četvrtak 6. Avgust
Prijave na fotoramafest@gmail.com