Ypitia headshot

Ipatia Kornarou je fotograf i kustos sa sedištem u Atini, Grčka. Sa pozadinom iz ekonomije, počela je da studira fotografiju. Umetničkom fotografijom se bavi od svojih početaka u fotografskom svetu.
Poslednjih godina nagrađivana je priznanjima i počasnim priznanjima na velikim međunarodnim takmičenjima svetske fotografske scene. (Zlato u Parizu Pk3 2024, Bronza u Parizu Pk3 2023, Rosl Roial Arts 2023, Lens Culture 2024 / 2023 / 2022, Tifa 2023, Bifa 2023, ART Vue Brukelles 2023, A Minimalist F202-2022 i još mnogo toga ).
Godina 2023. je bila je kreativna i plodonosna jer su njeni radovi učestvovali na međunarodnim grupnim izložbama u srcu Evrope, u centru umetnosti i kulture: Pariz – Imagenation Paris, London – Rosl Roial Arts Over Sea, Edinburg – Recount Photo Agora Universiti of Edinburg, Rim – Loosen Art Galleri Millepiani.
U martu 2024. godine održala je svoju prvu samostalnu izložbu van Grčke pod nazivom „Fenomen” u Rusiji, u gradu Nižnji Tagil u Galeriji Space Place. U junu je izložba fotografija „Fenomen” prebačena u Muzej lepih umetnosti u Nižnjem Tagilu. , Rusija.

Ypatia Kornarou is a photographer and curator based in Athens, Greece. With a background in economics, she started studying photography. She has been dealing with fine art photography since her beginnings in the photographic world.
In the last few years, she has been awarded with distinctions and honorary mentions in major international competitions of the world photography scene. (Gold at Paris Px3 2024, Bronze at Paris Px3 2023, Rosl Royal Arts 2023, Lens Culture 2024 / 2023 / 2022, Tifa 2023, Bifa 2023, ART Vue Bruxelles 2023, Minimalist Photography Award 2022, The Fc-Diary 2022 and many more).
The year 2023 was a creative one as her works took part in international group exhibitions in the heart of Europe, at the center of art and culture: Paris – Imagenation Paris, London – Rosl Royal Arts Over Sea, Edinburgh – Recount Photo Agora University of Edinburgh, Rome – Loosen Art Gallery Millepiani.
In March 2024 she held her first solo exhibition, beyond Greece, entitled „Phenomenon” in Russia, in the city of Nizhny Tagil at Gallery Space Place. On June, the photography exhibition „Phenomenon“ transferred to the Museum of Fine Arts in Nizhny Tagil, Russia.


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