Kejt Vudman, rođena u Darmstadtu, u Nemačkoj, odrasla je u Konetikatu i trenutno je u Portlandu, Oregon. Po struci inženjer građevine, Kate je svoju ljubav prema fotografiji razvila 2011. godine, istražujući štetu od zemljotresa na Novom Zelandu. Ono što je počelo kao prisila da se dokumentuje okruženje proširilo se na fascinaciju za narativno pripovedanje, sa konceptualnim zaokretom. Njena inženjerska pozadina joj dobro služi u njenom fotografisanju, izazivajući osećaj ravnoteže i pažnje prema detaljima i potiču kreativan pristup tehničkim izazovima stvaranja slike. Kate je PRO-EDU instruktor i vodi radionice širom sveta fokusirajući se na teoriju boja i pripovedanje.
Born in Darmstadt, Germany, Kate Woodman was brought up in Connecticut and currently calls Portland, Oregon home. A structural engineer by training, Kate developed her love of photography in 2011 while investigating earthquake damage in New Zealand. What began as a compulsion to document the environment expanded into a fascination for narrative storytelling, with a conceptual twist. Her engineering background serves her well in her photography, provoking a sense of balance and attention to detail and engendering a creative approach to the technical challenges of creating an image. Kate is a PROEDU instructor and teaches workshops around the world focusing on color theory and storytelling.
Kate Woodman is a commercial and editorial photographer based on Portland, Oregon